Friday 20 August 2010

After 8 Sprint

D-day minus 198.

Out again this morning before the forecast rain - which arrived at 1-50 this afternoon.

Same circuit as yesterday but did not walk except at start and finish. Time of day a little bit later so more people and traffic. Lots of folk off to work.

But not me, ha ha!

Time spent running today - 8min 9secs. Distance approx 1.25Km. Felt better than yesterday.

Reality Check - In the Bath Half Marathon that distance would get me to Dolmeads a little short of Widcombe. So not even far enough to be able to nip in the back entrance of The Ram for a pint.

Action This Day
  1. Wash Kit - Done. Techie details:- E-synthetics 40deg 900rpm spin. Non-bio wash-ball.
  2. Reply to supportive comment on Runners Forum - Done.
  3. Pick blackberries for lunch fruit portion - Done.
  4. Fill and start dishwasher.
  5. Read today’s newspaper and put yesterdays in recycling bin.
So much to do - so little time.

"Who wants yesterdays papers?
Nobody in the world."
Jagger -Richard


  1. With a day like that are you sure you haven't become a student?

  2. Hi JRW - Quick check:
    1. Big Debt - yes
    2. Worried about life, the universe and everything - yes
    3. Forgotten what happened last night - yes
    4. Massive hangover - no
    5. Stranger asleep in the bath - no
    That’s three out of five. Oh my gosh, maybe I have turned into a student!
