Friday 6 August 2010

Past Performance - Part 1

The language of athletics has been adopted into workplace jargon.  These days, whether working in commerce or government, you are expected to have a proven track record in the field and when the starting gun goes off you are required to hit the ground running.
Buzz-word Bingo anyone?

Reversing the process, here is my early running CV:

School Sports at Moat Farm - Athlete No 21 - Faraday House
  1. Egg and Spoon - dropped out
  2. Sack Race - fell
  3. Three-Legged Race - tripped
  4. 100, 200 and 400 yards - unplaced
  5. Slow Bicycle Race - disqualified for using outriggers
Sorry, but the last one is a lie. I always wanted to enter but did not have a bike.

Going up to the big school the sport was compulsory rugby.  Too small for the scrum and not fast enough as a winger, I was trampled into the mud.  Not really my scene.  After 2 years allowed to choose something else.

Cross-country running. No less muddy - indeed more so because the cows were herded twice daily up and down part of the route. Thick hedge on one side barbed wire fence on other - deep mix of mud and dung in between. Serious risk of suction removing shoes. But no risk of letting side down.  Endurance not speed. Aim - not to be last.

School moved to new location. New instant traditions instituted - including compulsory rugby for those in the 4th form.  Hey Ho, back to running around muddy fields grasping odd-shaped balls.

But big freeze. Ground too hard. All contact sports cancelled. Instead cross-country running again, this time with the opportunity to play Spot the Location where The Avengers was filmed for TV.

Thaw. Rugby restarted. Skive off every week until name appears on list of those AWOL and due for punishment.  After couple of days see that some of the names have been crossed through. When nobody about, cross out own name. Not spotted!  Mentally prepare to deny all knowledge. Hear no more about it.

Dishonest?  No, just the swings and roundabouts of outrageous fortune.

"Sport, sport, masculine sport
Equips a young man for society
Yes, all turn out a Jolly Good Sort
Its an Odd Boy who doesn't like sport"  Viv Stanshall

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